Mark Adams

Mark’s entrepreneurial odyssey began with a stupidly audacious venture: helping a new generation of A-list celebrities to build their brand in the first wave of the internet. He soon became the ‘go to brand guy’ for hundreds of icons… from Lady Gaga and Usher to Barack Obama and Buckingham Palace.

After Hollywood Mark shifted to Silicon Valley founding multiple tech ventures and learning the ropes in the strange and wonderful world of Venture Capital. Along the way Mark has picked up a cabinet of awards including Cannes Lions, Emmys and even an Oscar Nomination. The Guardian named him “Star of Tech City” describing him as “An Entrepreneur, Investor & Board Advisor who’s changing our world by boosting economic growth.” He went on to be named in the “Silicon 60 Global Tech Entrepreneurs,” “The Most Influential Londoners” “The Sunday Times Top people in Britain,” “The Drum’s Digerati List,” “The Debrett’s Top 10 Digital List,” and was invited to do a TED talk which quickly reached millions of views.

As a speaker, Mark Adams is celebrated for his insightful and thought-provoking presentations. Twice honoured as “Speaker of the Year” in 2023, he captivates audiences with his unique perspective on digital innovation and leadership. Mark is also the author of the anticipated 2024 publication, “The Community Driven Economy,” which promises to delve into the intricate relationship between technology, community, and economic growth.